Golf Players

Viktor Hovland, Jon Rahm and Justin Rose Send Europe Crazy on Friday Night | 2023 Ryder Cup

It couldn’t have been a more perfect end to Friday’s golf for Team Europe at the 2023 Ryder Cup, as Viktor Hovland, Jon Rahm and Justin Rose all holed putts to ensure USA didn’t win a single full point throughout the opening day at Marco Simone Golf & Country Club, Rome, Italy.

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Every two years, 24 of the best players from Europe and the United States go head-to-head in match play competition. The European Team are the reigning champions after winning at Marco Simone Golf & Country Club in 2023. Drama, tension, incredible golf, camaraderie and sportsmanship are served in equal measure, captivating an audience of millions around the world. It’s an event that transcends sport, yet remains true to the spirit of its founder, Samuel Ryder. The 2025 Ryder Cup is set to take place at Bethpage Black in New York.

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Facebook: Ryder Cup European Team and Ryder Cup USA

they got to make one of these two [Applause] Europeans oh my goodness move it never looked like it was getting there but it’s there it’s right in the middle look at RAM on the other side of the Green Goodness Sake he’s been a warrior today he’s been a monster I mean he has just been huge he’s played completely up to expectations he’s chipped in three times today he’s old a couple of amazing PS he’s been quite cons Sensational but this would be a huge AR to hold this [Applause] ask him you your get I don’t believe that that is just unbelievable what a [Applause] finish what a finish from John Ram oh Eagle T Eagle the last three from Ram to tie the match down 18 neon unthinkable that kind of finish unbelievable I mean I can’t believe he left the sh on 17 I know so hin made Ram made now it’s over to you Justin Rose this to tie the match [Music] [Applause] yes extraordin absolutely extraordinary what a day for Europe wow come back from two down with two to go to have the match and stop the US from winning one point on the first day of the rer co one full point they end up with one and a half wow just dominant from start to finish really you think of what they had to do down 18 to to get that done to get those three matches tied for Europe it’s been a a historic day to watch another Ridder Cup video click here and subscribe here

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