Golf Babe


follow me as I compete in my first ever professional golf tournament at 16 I’ve been invited by the Epson tour to come play in this event and I’m competing against some of the best female golfers in the world this is my biggest challenge in my golf career I’m by far the youngest player in the field and I’m documenting it all on camera I’m here in Harris Michigan at the Island Resort Championship to say that this is going to be a challenge maybe an understatement I got a chance to play a practice round yesterday at this amazing course and I realized this will probably be the longest yardage I’ve played in a tournament my goal in this tournament is to keep a positive attitude and to know that just competing with these pros at 16 years old is a win in itself did a little fishing tournament on an island green and I even hooked my first ever worm which I was terrified of went out to dinner wherever I end up in this tournament I’m just excited to be here


  1. Play smart, don't chase sucker pins, and prove you belong. Congratulations you deserve the chance for all the hard work you've put in

  2. Don’t think just play. Positive mental attitude, confidence, & composure is everything in sports. When we stress our heart beat soars & we waste our energy. You must conserve energy. Then we start thinking swing thoughts instead of BEING A NATURAL ATHLETE & hitting the ball like you have millions of times before. You hit a bad shot move on quickly and say in your head wait until you see the next one as an inner voice & launch it middle of the fairway or stick it a foot from the hole or putt it out center cup. DON’T THINK JUST PLAY!

  3. You are an amazing young woman Gabby! I wish you and your family the best. I am certain that they are proud of you! I am proud of you and I don’t even know you! Lol

  4. Pro-Am only at 16 wow…u got this stay positive Gabby play your game like u use too dont worrie about the other players yr own game own swing uve got it good luck Gabster

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