Golf Players


Struggling with a sway in your backswing? Tnis ca lead to a poor ball flight and strike issues!


Hello, My name is Shauheen Nakhjavani, Co-founder of Nakhjavani Golf. I have been a golf coach for 10+ years, I’ve given over 25,000 lessons in-person & online, and I have worked with many professional players; including Kevin Chappell, Stephen Ames, Darren Clarke, Calum Hill, Yannik Paul, Eddie Pepperell, Jeremy Paul & many others!

If you want to learn more about my style of coaching, you can find more instruction here:

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all right golfers let’s get rid of that sway for you okay so what we see often times especially with higher handicappers is golfers who have way too much lateral movement of the pelvis in the back swing often times this is just from a false sense of trying to shift their weight back in order to shift their weight forward they start to create an excessive amount of lateral and what happens is if I just stand here and I just bump my pelvis really far away from the target often times to try to keep me balanced well if I’m dead weight here and push my pelvis back my chest is going to fall forward so what you’ll see really often is that the golfer ends up rotating really poorly they get compromised because of the pelvic movement really the chain of the issue starts here so pelvis gets too far over the trail side upper body starts to fall forward and now by left arm parallel in the back swing I’m like falling forward with my chest and then from here first of all if I do this from down the line you’ll just see my hands work really really high and not get behind me enough because I can’t rotate but also as soon as you start to see golfers do this well there’s going to be a reaction in the downswing the other way so golfer then bumps the hip slightly forward chest falls back now my low Point gets stuck way behind the ball because my sternum is way behind it and I have to early release to try to hit the ball properly just all sorts of problems so what we want to do instead is you know some element of a small lateral bump at the start of the takeaway is okay but there does come a point where too much lateral can create that sort of issue so what we want to focus on instead is actually trying to get that trail hip so for me the right hip working behind me in the back swing so imagine almost like a wall here between the trail hip and the trail foot we don’t want the hip to break through that wall that’s going to cause my chest to fall forward so you actually want to keep that hip inside the wall you can actually think of it the other way and think of the lead side if I Am shifting too much laterally early in my back swing and my chest Falls forward you’ll see my hip start to move really away from where that left foot was positioned initially right so we almost want to feel a little bit more grounded and stable to where I’m creating rotation early left shoulders working behind the ball a little bit more instead of kind of falling forward and we’re actually going to feel like this left side so our lead side for me here stays stable and rotates and you’ll see that trail hip start to work a little bit more behind me obviously it might feel very exaggerated for you if you’re somebody who kind of does this but exaggerations are necessary to find a happy medium when you have a golf ball on the floor so really good really simple drill I almost just wiped out there take a ball put your hip along the ball along the wall and this is why I’m kind of placing the camera this way and all I want you to do is create back swings where you feel like you don’t drop the ball right so we’re creating a lot of rotation here still feeling the weight on the inside of my back foot as I’m rotating that shoulder still working under the chin Trail shoulder still working behind me right but you can see this hip is not bumping away from this wall the lead hip is staying closer to this wall even though my weight feels on my trail side in order to make sure I don’t sway so obviously we’re trying to stay much more stable here in our back swing if I Sway and bump and then lean my hip forward obviously the ball Falls it’s a very simple very easy drill to do you can start out with a lot of dry rehearsals without a golf ball you can do this in your house and then start to upgrade into a more of a driving range format where obviously you don’t have a wall there but you can always replicate it with a chair or with something that you can bring with you to the driving range a bag stand and then just try to retain that connection as we’re turning this way instead of swaying and bumping in that fashion okay

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