Golf Players

Level 1-10 (India)

India has always had a special place in my heart. This challenge was long overdue and well-worth the wait!

Thanks to Pawan, Tanoay, Meghana and others at Ekam Table Tennis Academy for your help on this.

This was played at Ekam Table Tennis Academy:

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#tabletennis #pingpong #adambobrow

Keyword: table tennis, ping pong, Adam Bobrow, India, Pune, Maharashtra, challenge, levels, level 1-10, professional table tennis player, TT coach, table tennis coach, battle, India from Level 1 to Level 10, Level 1 to 10 in India

[Music] I’m here in the most populated country in the world India India has produced so many worldclass table tennis players I came to India to commentate ultimate table tennis but today when I received an invitation from a club in Pune Maharashtra to challenge their 10 best players I couldn’t resist so here I am it’s time to enter the club [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so many people are here this is incredible they even performed the traditional Indian ceremony to welcome me [Music] I’m going to challenge the top 10 players in this club from the 10th ranked all the way to the number one I’ll play each player a match to 11 points and there will be no Deuce at 1010 it’s a golden point so here’s my first Challenger chra Chandra I’m going to beat him I’m going to beat him Chandra you’re serve 0 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] who Magic Point yeah good job match point [Applause] oh good I’m tired match points [Applause] nice to play to you it’s a Dre it’s a dream thank you so much snakes rece all the best to receive his snakes thank you thank you over I am very excited and nervous at the same time and I’m really ready to face a next let’s hear it for [Applause] mean o nice very [Applause] good uhoh [Applause] thank you Megan and I successfully defeated the first three players now just seven more to go but things are only going to get tougher from here hello snan good to see you again oh good nice snake Charmed nice very good he’s the first player to score nine points against me here and now we both are just two points away from winning the match I’ve got to do my best oh come on yo yo yo Match Point yeah a gain point you see that humidity golden Point wow wow oh that was close he was just the seventh ranked player and he still took the game to a golden point and he almost beat me this close holding the racket it’s getting very humid I’m going to have to try and control and not let it slip palms are sweaty let’s see so I’m a bit nervous I don’t know how to handle all the snakes but I’ll try to charm the snake today how you are going to receive his snakes with your back and or forand oh forand I only know forand I’m going to go Aruna Kadri so you are Aruna Kadri fan [Music] yeah class please save me Superman [Music] [Applause] ah Veron just needs one more point to win this match I have to do something Match Point man my first defeat good play nice play you just beat Adam how are you feeling oh pretty normal for me I think I’ve beaten such players a lot of time it was very easy what about snake I Charmed him I Charmed him he comes to the land of snake Chamas and he cannot snake us a lot of humidity in the room a lot of people but they’re getting stronger he’s good right off the blocks try to fight I will fight now I’m going to face the top five players in this club Adam Bobo Junior today you are playing with original Adam Bobo senior I have no words to describe it okay it is really great hey baby strawberry I like it to [Applause] nice nice what he was down 1 18 and now he has won eight points in a row he’s just two points away from winning the match and I need three more points uhoh oh no match point [Music] oh come on Match [Music] Point just one more golden [Music] points oh my [Applause] God that was an amazing comeback getting tougher two in a row for them I got to find some solutions East or West Adam Snak is the best but I’m here to the [Music] rest attack I can do that too oh wow k match point Sorry Match Point match point oh match points three losses in a row these players are really strong here but now it’s going to get even more challenging because I’m going to face thep three players come on Adam fight dou all right good to see you [Music] [Applause] yeah drop it uhoh good it come on oh what happened uhoh good hey two more points two more points Y come on come on one more match point w thank you be I’ve been beaten three times in a row I needed that in the humidity anything can happen so I got to keep the belief think strategically and fight till the Finish come on night Adam nice to meet you oh good come on oh no I know when it’s really humid it’s incredibly challenging to make very spinny shots like this additionally it was raining really hard outside so the moisture in the air was incredible I was feeling a little tired and the crowd saw that so they all started cheering to motivate me [Applause] [Applause] sorry I know yo come on Match p Point good match so i’ got one left the best the top of the food chain it’s been tough already how are you feeling before the match I’m feeling so excited and as well as nervous this is it come on [Applause] okay uhoh [Applause] [Applause] how dare you hit my wife oh my God oh no come back in even though the snake completely fooled him he improvised quickly and played a really impressive shot come on oh righty then match point oh my God oh my God I’ve already played two golden points today and I was able to win one of them can I win this final golden point [Music] [Music] great match I was hoping that last one would catch the edge good placement there wow exciting I won six out of 10 matches and many of them were very close there were a lot of kids and subscribers who wanted to play so even though I was tired I played one point with everyone who stayed until the end I interacted with them signed whatever they wanted and took photos with everyone everyone who showed up was so friendly and positive generally I don’t accept gifts but PE made a lovely drawing of me and I took it with me and I still have it in my room today this was an incredible experience here in India and let me know if you want me to come to your part of the world have a challenge should be fun all right you guys enjoy this legend legend thank you thank you so much until next time keep on ponging peace [Music]


  1. 6:59 In Norway, we have a word for small strawberries, "markjordbær", which, if you translate it directly to english, means "worm strawberry" … so I guess in this context you can consider that strawberry a small snake, since the worm has a snake form (?).

  2. Lol, im pretty sure where ever you go, you will be recognized, loved and appreciated. If possible, i believe you will find a lot of good players in Bulgaria. Myself included. 🙂

  3. Vote for Adam to come to Pakistan, Karachi for playing with the players of Sindh Sports Board Complex, Karachi

  4. Rewatched 1 of my favourite films last night, Balls of Fury and only just realised you had a small cameo in it.

  5. Should have played with no1 first then towards no 10, you got more tired by the time you played better players.

  6. Adam If you are In Delhi Please Come to Aligarh. We have state level players who have beaten a lot of player and beaten 1250 people In a tournament. And I am your huge fan too I want to play with you too. ❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢

  7. Varun was called homer simpson in the cc 😹 great video adam, thanks for promoting our sport. Btw, there are many snakes in Hockenheim, germany, want to mess tooth with us? 🐍

  8. Great video like always!
    Thank you for making it one complete video instead of 2 seperate ones. It was exciting till the end 😊

  9. I never played in really humid places and holy molly it looks hard. A couple of shots went straight down 😅 keep up the good work ❤

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