OTM REWIND | Bryson DeChambeau on Golf Swing Changes, Scoring Lower and the Search for Greatness

Bryson DeChambeau is a multiple winner on The PGA TOUR, a US Open champion and one of the leading figures on the global golf stage. He joins us to share his life in golf- from a young golfer in California, to a NCAA Champion and US Amateur Champion in college, to a winner on The PGA TOUR.

Among many diverse topics DeChambeau discusses:
His “one-length” golf clubs and how he came upon them, his approach to golf-swing technique from the Homer Kelley “Golfing Machine” one-plane approach, to his theories and discoveries relating to “End of Motion Range” to his latter day search for power and speed, and A day in his life, both at home and at tournaments.

STREAMING: On the Mark is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and wherever else you listen to podcasts.

ABOUT ON THE MARK: Mark’s knowledge, insight and experience have made him a sought-after mind on the PGA and European tours. Through his career, he has taught and/or consulted to various Major Champions, PGA Tour winners and global Tour professionals such as: Larry Mize, Loren Roberts, Louis Oosthuizen, Patton Kizzire, Trevor Immelman, Charl Schwartzel, Scott Brown, Andrew Georgiou and Rourke can der Spuy. His golf teaching experience and anecdotal storytelling broadcasting style makes him a popular host for golf outings.

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[Music] I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for a long time with me is 8 time PGA Tour Champion US Open Champion brass and Des Shambo welcome to the on theark podcast bro how are you glad to be here thank you very much it’s a lot of fun and uh can’t wait to divulge some interesting info ah yeah we’re looking forward to it and everyone who downloaded I’m going to hold this to you but but before we go anywhere Bryson let’s take a step back young man growing up in California get into golf um you hook up with Mike Shai I think at that stage y but you’ve always done things your way so so I’m Keen to know the impetus for the one length Club the the bigger grips tell us the story please so to kind of keep it somewhat simple because I can go for hours on this go for literally I was not the best golfer in California and nor in my area at the the time when I was 14 15 really good golfer won a bunch of tournaments but still wasn’t really the best you know Paul Smith and Patrick Grimes and a few others were were better than me and obviously had older kids that were better than me as well so I never felt like I was the best in California and so in order to shorten my practice time because I’d practice eight nine almost 10 hours a day of golf I was like there there’s no there’s no more that I could do in the game of golf I can’t work any harder so I’ve got to find a distinct Advantage I’ve got to find advantages that allow me to make a Quantum Leap in a sense to another plane where I could just be that much better already and so what I thought about was maybe shortening my practice time how do I shorten my practice time but get twice as good yeah how do I if you could bottle the stuff you’d make even more milons I know yeah exactly right exactly and that’s the thing my whole thought process was how can I work twice the am or half the amount of hours and get twice the amount out MH that was my goal and so I thought of different ways like one length irons or zero shifting plane you know that was from the golf machine Homer Kelly 1969 I mean you know Mike Shai was very very helpful at Young stages of my life and I owe all of him the credit on that and getting me to a level that you know I am now obviously I’ve grown off of that and and and gotten better but go ahead no no I I I you you have me you’ve had me fascinated since I first what you play as a young amateur in Memphis oh yeah I was on the radio crew and I I I just want to know the the mindset of thinking that far outside the box because the folks listening to this they’ve all been good golfers they all want to get better but you’re like I’m prepared to go to one length irons same lies just varying Lofts so I’ll give you I’ll give you a good little uh insight into how I work excuse me I literally will go down any road possible okay to get better but I always have a Baseline and I’m always I’ve got a rope attached to me so when I go down rabbit holes I’m able to get pulled out’s got the who’s got the other end of the Rope uh well you know it you know it’s numerous people it’s it’s my brain as well so I’ve got a great crew around me um you know Chris has been helping me a lot now zegler my caddy he’s been awesome for me and then Connor my manager and Brett uh Greg rosoff yeah and specialist uh he cre created mat in Denver and you know just a lot of great people around me that have given me pretty Sound Advice over the course of my years uh but initially it was Mike shy he’d let me go down any Rabbit Hole he didn’t care he was like you got to try anything bro just go sovery just yes sometimes the best Discovery is self-discovery you learn the most from self-discovery and that’s where he wanted me to fail as much as possible as quickly as possible so that I could find the the most effective path in a quick amount of time sometimes it doesn’t work for people because they fail enough and they get disincentivized to go forward but he saw how determined I was and he knew that nothing was going to stop when was The Watershed that that moment with the new clubs and the new approach and the zero shifting plane were you like hold on there’s a little traction going on here yeah so when I was uh let’s see 15 uh I got thrown this book called The Golf machine and the yellow Bible to many yeah exactly exactly the golfin Bible yeah and I essentially said to myself uh you know how how how can I utilize this to my advantage because I wasn’t the best I worked really really hard and wasn’t getting that much better at that time and so I thought of you know what if I was able to practice one Club all the time okay and it translate over throughout the whole bag through makes much sense you just talk like that I know it’s that’s the tough part is is that when you say it out loud people like oh that’s crazy that’s so weird but as a kid looking back on it in that situation in that moment in that moment I asked myself the question how do I get better while working less mhm and when you think about different scenarios you start to realize the most efficient answer aam’s Razer sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer and that’s going back to the one length irons was like let’s try and make all the clubs the same length let’s try it there was no clubs by the way made at that point in time they were like that other than wish on I think and then Tommy armor had done it back in the day and didn’t do very well but what I did is I took an old set of irons I can’t say uh what they were but it was an old set uh of just messed up irons already and I messed them up even more and I took I I ordered six iron shabs from a company so this stimulated your creativity inside yeah th% for me as much as people think I’m this technician and physicist and somebody that’s a scientist I go a lot of of intuition my my intuition tells me a lot and I sit back and I let time tell the story for me uh I don’t just jump on things go no this is the way it has to be no I sit back and I go all right how can I uh see this to be a potential positive for me or not well L of the data sample the accurate the scientist cor you got it exactly and so that’s where a lot of people misjudge me unfortunately in regards to that um and they think that you know I’m just this way and only that way whereas my my senses My Five Senses have told me a lot uh over the course of my time mhm so anyway going to let’s see 2011 when I built the irons I got the six iron shafts in there got the head weights all correct to took us two weeks those things must have been heavy as Rip weren’t they no no so we we made everything a seven iron head weight oh okay so the pitching wedge it’s normally heavier right because of the shorter length of the iron we cut it almost looked like a shark bit the back of the bounce off so it was like a shark B the back of the club off uhhuh and all little triangles cut into it just to take all the weight out and then on the threei on the opposite side we had to shorten the club and you had to add head weight to it to make it feel all like a seven so all the swing weights were the same and all I had was just one club with different Lofts uh throughout the whole bag so and the trajectories the the the V and the trajectory tell me about that so tell us about that yeah yeah I’ll talk to you about that in just a sec but we went through probably three grinding wheels and can’t imagine and like I’d say probably $200 to $250 in lead tape at the time I had no I mean I didn’t have any money my parents didn’t have any money you know coach that was with had a little bit but it was you know Mike Mike didn’t have that much um as well we’re just people from RI you know the time it was called Riverbend uh golf club is now called dragonfly but we’re just two guys trying to figure out how to play golf better right and what I love sorry to cut over you is it’s not figuring out how to play golf better it’s figuring out how I play golf better correct it’s all always been the thing with you absolutely just like Arnold said swing your swing right I take that to heart very very well when people try and put someone in a box and say no this is the way you have to swing I struggle with that because everybody’s different all their matchups are different the one thing that Chris has taught me a lot about um not just in in regard to how to make decisions in in life uh but also decisions on the golf course there’s also another factors that he’s taught me how to sift through a lot of baloney pretty quickly you know he can I I’ll say something to him like oh I think this will work because of this example and he goes well what about this guy this do the complete opposite think about yeah it makes me think about it in a different way I go whoa why is he doing it differently it’s completely opposite to what I thought was the previous scientific fact taking on the chairman and the CEO’s perspective of the thing and you’re not like locked into your singular Focus any any any golf coach that tries to put someone in a box I I struggle to find um compassion for there there’s just not this like residual empathy towards each other it’s it’s like man you’re just you’re you’re locking yourself down what if there’s something else that could make this kid better like don’t try and lock someone down preach brother Des yeah I’m with you it’s tough CU it it hurts my heart I’m like there’s a kid that there’s a person that’s working on their golf swing super hard and they’re trying to force him into a position all day long and it’s like there’s a reason why he’s resisting that yeah a lot of the times when people see weird motions they try and fix it whereas I embrace it I go okay how can I work the face and path around that what I would call end range of motion yeah we’re getting to that okay for for those folks as end range of motion we’re getting there in a minute but first going to visit Dallas California boy one length clubs now having a bit of success you got a SMU and you win the NCA and the USM in one year only two tournaments I won that Year by the way okay but the number of guys who’ve done that are like L than a handful Nicholas Woods Tober Moore Ryan Moore Ryan Moore and uh yeah Phil Mickelson so how much did this set Bryon to Shambo up for the budding career in the pros well it’s my whole life okay I mean it set me up for my whole life set me up to where I am today I wouldn’t be here without that I probably would have found a way to get on tour and you know play well cuz you paralled those starts you got from that into success AB to where I was able to play uh and have you know seven I think it was seven starts or whatever and in RBC Heritage I finished fourth yeah made enough money to go to the finals played terrible uh you know after I finished fourth but I got enough money to go to the finals and then I won the dab Championship first one out yeah first one out first I wish I would have just said okay I’m done I don’t you know but I play the next two didn’t play very well but still you know at the point in time I was a bit of like a hit hit and miss kind of kid where I’d win and then I’d go Miss Cuts win go Miss cuts and there the same thing that happened the next year I missed 14 Cuts in a row and then four events later I go win the John Deere and then I go miss the cut next week at the at the British Open so it was this up and super high swing and I said I can’t do that I cannot do this anymore mental cogs started grinding correct I’m like how are these guys able to play at the top of their game all the time and don’t practice what are they doing how are they doing that how are they that repeatable and it’s like nothing to them they just go out there and hit the ball not even thinking about it and it just works for them yeah how’s that possible whereas I’m grinding for hours and hours trying to think of how to be more consistent and I’m not anywhere near them how so at a certain point in time I asked the question I need to revamp my game I need to reconfigure figure my game just put some time context behind this folks this is after I won the John Deere yes yeah and then a little bit down the track we’re in Las Vegas fall event I’m with radio still call you you should fin around 64 or something to win and you have the moon I got a cool picture with you yeah and then you announc to the world you’re like I’m coming back a new guy so 2018 yeah yeah so so 2018 I won and then 2019 is when I actually yeah so one year later but at the same point in time that whole that year of boringness for me as that’s what I call boringness when I won I won four or five times during that year uh it was one two three fouron yes because you had the playoff run too you went into won East is the leader so I won four events and uh that next year I didn’t win besides Dubai oh yeah Dubai I went and one in Dubai in 2019 and then after that I just kind of fell off the map a little bit and I got really bored with the game really it was just it was boring to me yeah i’ done decent and this is after I figured out a lot of the end range emotion stuff too that’s why I had my run in 2018 where I felt pretty Invincible okay like I was very repeatable on a level that was the likes of you know Lee trino or or tiger when he was playing his best and then for some reason in 2019 I couldn’t get back to that form I couldn’t figure out some of the in ranges that I had done and the Motions that ID made to make make me where how you know how good I was okay I got to do this cuz you fascinate me I I love to speak with Minds like you um my head’s all over the show right now so whatever script was there folks is out of the window okay let’s let’s talk about enrage emotion because I caught wind of this and as an instructor I’m like yes you know so I want you to to describe the principle the elements thereof to the so so disclaimer on this you have to have someone and a trainer that is very well uh I guess affluent in taking care of your body and doing this because when you get close to an inrange parameter in your body whether it’s a full fully contracted bicep or fully ex you know contracted tricep which is the you know extended part of the the the bicep uh you have to be careful when performing motions in those positions because they’re the most vulnerable positions of um the muscle structure that’s just a disclaimer but you can do it if you train it enough and to be in those positions you can do it um that’s why I have a guy like Greg rosoff mat and I go back to him I get my everything treated at all the in ranges and make sure every single muscle is working as good as it possibly can at that current present moment in time but I started thinking about this and that came about from missing the cut at the British Open after I won John Deere 2017 okay missed the cut I came did you have a two-sided miss going on or what was the okay yeah I mean it was just misses both ways I thought I kind of had it figured out and then randomly something would pop up and Miss okay and be like what the heck’s going on now I’m doing all this with speed by the way so right now I’m on the speed journey of it learning to add as much speed as I possibly can while having a stable structure going back to when I missed the cut I came back and said I’m never going to let this happen again after the season’s over I’m going to spend three weeks totally changing my golf swing just gonna obliterate it I’m going to figure out why Dustin Johnson and this is this is the guy that impressed me the most is Dustin Johnson yeah because he didn’t think about it didn’t really do much and just boom he would do it every single time now you got guys like col morawa John ROM yeah and a few others that are have similar matchups what I call matchups now but they play with a stronger grip than you do you got that left hand grip is weakened they definitely do but they they still have a certain position that allows them to be repeatable yeah so I started asking the question what is Dustin doing that’s allowing him to be repeatable and I started looking really closely through impact and his body I started looking at body positions how is his arm oriented how is Ben Hogan’s arm Orient I started creating correlations between some of the best fall Strikers in the world toss trino into that too y Greg Norman um there’s a bunch of great ball Strikers that had the similar look through impact with their left arm and I was like huh that’s interesting so maybe if I went fully there and just kind of locked it down now what do I do with this hand what what do I do with the lower segment of the arm so I got the left upper arm internally rotated and then I got the left lower arm externally rotated against it where this was locked fully internal fully external and I gripped it if I might for the audio listeners here so the top of Bryson’s arm he’s turned it inward as far as it can go and the bottom part of the forearm down by the wrist he’s rotated that outward counterclockwise as far as it could go so you in lock down basic you got it so you have the back of the elbow pointed towards the target mhm essentially and then the back of the left wrist kind of close to that Target some people have stronger grips and that’s where you can start working on flexion extension this is going to be very difficult to uh talk about over audio I don’t care about the fence now it’s go that’s not nice no but but again going going back to I found a way to lock the arm down and once I once I did it I started hitting shots I’m like whoa if I hold this position here I can never hit a left no matter what I did Super far from the inside super outside in everything the face was always open to the Target you could go in and try and release the sucker as odd as you like too exactly so it clicked in my brain I’m like whoa that is different I’ve never experienced that where I can just not never perhap a miss one way and as time went on I started realizing well what about the other side of the body what about the right arm so I started configuring the right arm and I configured it in a way where I got most of it to end range or close end range then I went to the wrist angles went oler deviation yeah which is fully uncocked yep and then I went right wrist flexion and then that went arched the left wrist went arched and I started experiencing some stability that I never had in the golf swing which led me onto a run where late 2017 early 2018 till Wells Fargo till I broke that LTD driver and shaft it cracked it just just broke I was the best I’ve been on course with it you at the PGA when you broke one too oh yeah yeah that’s right what was what was the golf course paring Park oh yeah that’s oh that one too that one sucks when you break a driver you H good um it makes for good talking points for the TV gu but when uh when I broke that head I I was I will quite honestly say I was probably for six months the best ball striker in the world at that point I can vividly say and unequivocally say that I was the best ball striker in the world from late 2017 to early 2018 but I was putting bad so it didn’t really show as much as it could and I was injured uh my my body wasn’t doing very well my back wasn’t doing very well it was about the time I started figuring out my body journey I started working with Greg a lot more and figuring out how to Band-Aid it and how to fix stuff when I could on my own so I can be an independent um person that could resolve situations self diagnos self diagnos exactly so there’s a few situations and then you know I wasn’t hitting it super great I switched over I switched over over to a driver that um uh was pretty solid But ultimately I I I won four times that year and you know that really led me to believe like whoo I could potentially get the number one really quickly yeah and that’s been my ultimate goal of doing that unfortunately you know I didn’t play very well 2019 because I lost some of the inrange stuff and I’m still trying to reconfigure what I had in dude I’m telling you it was like magic I woke up every day never practice and it would just be the same exact thing every single time God you hit it you you hit Utopia I did for for late 2017 early 2018 there was a moment that span of time felt I felt Invincible with my golf swing and ever since then it’s been a struggle to find it ever since and I don’t know what matchups I did I’ve looked trust me I’ve gone through everything and sometimes the nervous system just can’t reproduce the same thing it used to have okay Bryson now I’m listening to you as a fan of the podcast and not an instructor really and all the fans are like this is a sweet story but man I’m struggling with my game right now and as I listen to you and I sort of read or listen between the lines a little bit it’s not just the physical remedy you came with it was everything it was checking out my body it was checking my golf swing it was there was a holistic approach to the thing right yeah it was it wasn’t just from one angle it wasn’t just okay I’m going to get stronger and okay hopefully hit I hit it further no I mean in this whole journey of mine it’s been about accuracy speed and taking care of my body at the same time mhm and you have to come from it from a from a position of uh I guess you could say a third person view where you’re looking at it from a macroscopic level and not being so nitpicky on not subjective either no no no no no no very objective and being real with yourself is am I actually getting better for example when I was doing the inrange of motion stuff I’d go through different body parts and positions and alignments and whatnot and if it didn’t fit into the puzzle for the shot shape I was trying to produce within two shots I’d throw it out two shots Two Shots yeah so every time I’m implementing you must have been in Utopia brother oh yeah holy cow well not only that but no but here’s the here’s the cool part is that when I was going down these roads if it didn’t Implement into the system right away I would throw it out because in order to implement that new motion it would take two weeks which would take too much time for me to integrate and I couldn’t with playing tour events every week like I had to have something that day or that night or that right and when I started seeing correlations between motions and patterns and how they integrated into the system and how it wouldn’t blow up the system but it would refine it it would actually refine it um that’s when I started seeing that these huge massive changes of it’s just going to take time it’s going to take two weeks to implement was was was almost kind of bogus you know what you you jugged my memory a little bit here because I want to visit the US Open but there were numerous events that I might have been on the call or you were playing somewhere and I was watching on TV where it would be a bad day you’d be straight to the range and You’ irn the thing out the next day you’d come back a different sort of a guy is this what we’re talking about absolutely you know that’s the whole reason being able to self- diagnose and sometimes it doesn’t work sometimes I’m out there for 3 four hours trying to figure out something it’s it’s a struggle It’s a Grind but I’m never willing to give up I’m so passionate about figuring out this swing the golf swing that I just I just can’t stop well just like you delving now I’m delving too and you know as I listen to you it’s like the information is one thing but the understanding of the information to implement the correct thing in the equation Y that is kind of where the magic lies right yeah it’s knowledge uh understanding demonstration yeah like that’s how the golf machine lays it out that’s what Homer talked about he said you have to have the knowledge of it first which is understanding all the body parts and how they all work to move and shorten and lengthen mainly just muscles just shorten the other side length m a very short right all the CP it and then then the understanding of that knowledge and then once you understand the knowledge you have to be able to demonstrate it and so it’s a very difficult task so you know I’ll give you one thing one thing on inrange and another thing on on some power and the stuff that I’ve tried to do uh the in on the inrange part of it I was looking at everything statically I know what every single body position does to the golf club facein path I don’t know how dynamically it works when you add all of it together when you’re adding forces into the equation the Holy Grail of golf is when somebody comes up with a golf press uh not a pressure sensor but a force sensor so it’s a threedimensional force sensor into the grip measuring how you’re applying Force into the grip that’s I can I can only imagine the forces you putting on that grip in transition oh yeah everywhere how how it’s moving everywhere especially when you’re over 210 miles an hour and then you got guys like Kyle that are 15 miles hour faster than me what are they doing and how they’re doing it as well that that’s one and so in order to understand how to produce repeatability like we’re working um you know I’m trying to work with a A company that is developing a 3D flat spot so the measurement of face to path over distance so you’re measuring the face to path before the ball and after Lino esque yeah long longest flat spot in the game was yeah you’re measuring body positions that can you’re essentially just measuring the club head but then you’re trying to translate how is the body moving to create that yeah right um so that’s like a repeatability thing that’s the Holy Grail so there’s two things that hasn’t been created the 3D flat spot and then the force pressure or the force grip sensor has not been developed yet and that is the Holy Grail that that literally for golf is is the final final play because then we’ll understand what everybody does to create motion yeah which is cool and then the next thing just for people that want to know in this journey of mine from a speed perspective when I said that in 2019 I mean when I say something I mean it you know apparently okay I know uh but but I I take I don’t take things lightly and when I say it sometimes it may sound like a Brash comment it’s not it’s very well thought out and I do things for certain reasons because I put a lot of thought behind it I’m sleepless nights sometime trying to think of the scenarios and how to play things out and sometimes it doesn’t always work for me I’m human I make mistakes right but in this speed journey of mine I definitely had a lot of thought behind it I’ve had numerous people Chris KO and Greg rosoff behind me uh and then people that support me you know like uh my man my manager and agent Connor and Brett um and I’ve had put people around me there some of my best friends around me that have supported me as well but in the speed journey I had to learn how to get stronger yeah one without getting hurt that’s the subset but is it me because I saw you when you reappeared and I look at you now and you’re like a stronger yet some almost slimmed down version of what you are or am I nuts uh no no no I I gained a lot of fat okay when I was cuz I was trying to just get as big as possible so that I could have a more stable base oh and mass I guess to the equation too right you’re just adding ground more normal force to the ground you’re adding just more um weight to the ground so that I’m not flying off imagine if I was 100 lbs compared to 500 lb well I can trunk rotate off of 500 being anchored To The Ground by 500 lbs compared to being not anchored you you’re trying yourself into orbit yeah you’d be in space exactly right so that was kind of thought process and it worked I mean it was it was great it got got me up to speed but then I just felt unhealthy and I had a lot of um was the was I tell me off if I’m wrong no you went well after the November Masters that no so funny enough I gave myself a concussion oh okay I thought it might have been died no I thought it was I thought I thought it was you I thought it was Vertigo I thought it was whatever but Tuesday afternoon I remember doing something in my head where my head felt off and I was like what happened I have no idea what kind of happened and um you could to slow those speed Journeys down bro I know well but I didn’t know how to move my body I was just forcefully doing it like like me running into a line back or whatever just a behemoth right I didn’t know how to do it and you know if you have better technique with it you can you know better uh control the environment I guess you can say so you don’t give yourself concussions or whatever but funny enough like there’s been numerous guys in the long drive uh PDA that have literally given themselves concussions because they’re swinging so hard well it’s way it’s been fun for me to watch too because you’ve hooked up with Kyle Burkshire and I want I want you to build on this in just a little bit but it looks like the violence to your golf swing was sort of gone away a little bit with these Council it looks like you’re generating easier speed yes than what you were that’s a huge thing and I’m not going to get there yet okay don’t worry I’ll get there in just a second let’s go to the US Open virtuoso you you dominated the course the field I had a colleague that called it an inflection point in golf all right yeah my response was and I tweeted about this and it actually got a lot of traction where I was like he has the shadow side of stuff this guy has taken so much headwind from Critics on all Corners he’s worked hard the sacrifice behind the scenes no one will ever know all people see is what H what’s happening on the camera etc etc y I want you to talk about that side of the thing not the glory of lifting the trophy in front of everyone because no one knows yeah no it was a lot of hardship and it’s even been more hardship after I mean this past year was not easy with dealing with all the media and people and whatnot and that’s been a difficult journey of mine that I’ve tried to figure out but behind the scenes it was a lot of work it was a lot of hardship it was a lot of countless hours given up uh family time given up yeah uh dedicating my life to something that I didn’t know was going to be a success uh at all all I didn’t know if getting bigger stronger was going to make me better or worse but it was a risk I was willing to take I knew I had enough time on the PJ tour to go back to my ways so again going back to that metaphor I wanted to go down this rabbit hole but I knew that I had enough time that I could pull myself back out and reamp my game um down in the future if it didn’t work out well I command you man because I’ve I’ve been involved with some elite players and I know what some of it goes on behind the scenes but you just took it to another level and I’ve talked to Major Champions and they all like this guy is doing stuff that we wouldn’t even consider you know people work out the gym and such but everything was with you was taken to the nth degree and I do that with everything for some reason because for me my whole life I’ve wanted to know both sides of the coin I want to know both ends of both paramet both sides the extent of both parameters you know the right side and the left side the coin mhm and and then from there I progress in and I go into the middle you just like I’m doing right now um want to talk about Kyle but before we go there I want to ask you because real quickly just to interject sorry but I just want to talk about the difficulties of going through the speed training process where I want to ask you how many balls do you get in a speed session because most folks listening to this probably hit 15 20 balls half a bucket and then they worn out where are you going so we’re going Kyle I’ll tell you this and Kyle said this before he leading up to Worlds he was hitting approximately 600 balls a day with a driver full out three speed training sessions almost every day how many leaves is he telling yeah well no he’s he’s a young kid and works out pretty hard and recovers really well because he’s uh well the recover is the big deal young yeah the recovery is the biggest part of it but sometimes when you’re sore when your hands are hurting with your body’s hurting you just got to push through when you’re speed trading because it’s not about training the muscular structure it’s about training the nervous system to fire faster and so the the nervous system is attached to the muscular system obviously but it’s about train it’s literally breaking down your CNS and training it to move faster to go faster to fire faster you’re essentially just you know pumping more I want your Tech because I’ve heard it said I’ve worked with a number of trainers and such and they’re like their speed windows that human beings possess where you must develop speed during those windows it’s like 7 to 9 or 14 to 15 that I’ve heard of that you’ve fired a big hole in that theory um well I’m psycho so I I’m willing to do things I mean yes there’s probably better moments in your body’s lifespan that can enhance the ability but everybody can can get faster if they really put their mind to it um you just have to have the right people around you have to have the right technique you have to have the right trainers again what I wanted to go through is is say there’s four four things you have to well five but I say four four things you have to do if you want to get faster one you got to work out yeah and there’s a subset to this where you can’t get injured you’ve got to learn how to not get injured working out right not get injured two you got to learn how to swing the golf club faster without getting injured yeah three then you have to learn how to hit straight that’s what I’m going to cut into you Colonial last year come back from the lockdown 2020 we’re the only show in town you going along well they send Doty out to get you cuz I was on marawa MH and doy we’re in a break she comes back and she goes I had no idea how straight this guy hits it as hard as what he’s hitting it yeah yeah and that’s a lot of the enrange motion stuff so I I built a golf swing to go straight first hit it as straight as possible and then I’m adding speed to it I’m continuously adding speed so like speed was the final element to the puzzle yeah for sure and at the end of time when when my day is finished I hope I’m not just known for driving I hope I’m known for one of the best wedges in the world one of the best Putters in the world but my journey is not done I may have taken a longer road to get to hopefully number one in the world uh one day but um at a certain point in time when you keep adding all the statistical advantages that I hope to be producing there’s going to be just a domino effect of it of the statistics finally playing itself out yeah I mean there’s a reason why I’ve hit I’m I continue to try and keep hitting it so far there’s a reason why I’m doing what I’m doing in putting there’s a reason why I mean even last week um or or even the last event I played the hero my wedging was better the third round it wasn’t great but the other three days the best wedging I’ve had in my entire career and it’s just BEC and that’s while gaining probably 3 or four miles an hour in ball speed yeah off the and and the reason is because I’ve figured some stuff out with it so I’m continuing to develop my game behind the scenes where I don’t showcase it but it’s because I don’t want to showcase it it’s not interesting first off to a lot of people but second off most people I don’t want to tell anyone well you got you got ahead of me because one of my questions was is okay where does Bryson go from here and from my experience as an instructor and a player and a an announcer I’m like the weapon that you have off the tea which is Mammoth mhm becomes unbeatable when the wedge when you parlay it with a wedge and I think you’re a dynamite putter I mean you figured out distance control on the greens it’s like no one’s business yeah it’s pretty solid now we’re still working on I’ve got a couple things that we’re working on that hopefully when I come back to Maui we’ll have it all dialed in but again there was a point in time late 2018 I was one of the best if not the best putter in the world uh and that’s why I won so I paired decent D you made a putt big gue at Jack’s Place down the hill that thing was hard and F and that dripped in with perfect speed over there yeah I learned how to control that was when I started learning how to control speed on a whole another level and a lot of stuff that I did with sick Golf and Steve Harrison and Greg they they helped understand how to launch the ball correctly and how to have good speed control so there’s a lot of science behind that uh behind putting and learning how to control speed and whatnot if you want to go down that route not everybody has to but okay I certainly did um one more question then I want to talk about the golf ball because it’s an important part of what you do and you’ve been very influential with Bridgestone with its reactive IQ golf ball yeah um we talked about KY Burkshire and how youve become friends with him and it ped itself into a really ad admirable performance in that long drive contest congratulations thank you but it looks like he’s bought an element of flow to what you do now and I almost think that the golf are listening to this if they watched what you do now and they watch watch what you did maybe a year ago they can sort of see something okay this is how I can go about gaining extra speed what’s your take yeah so Kyle’s helped me understand a lot Bobby Peterson has helped me understand a lot from One Stop power K’s instructor yes Kyle’s instructor and then Martin borm he’s helped me quite a bit that guy the German he’s amazing uh Josh cotch Justin James uh cassaday there’s a bunch of guys out there that have uh helped me uh understand just some elements to help create more speed it’s not about how fast you swing the golf club it’s it’s not at all is this one of those brassen Secrets no no it’s it’s it’s just a misunderstood uh I guess you could call it a misnomer is that kind of what you call it yeah uh it’s just misunderstood for the most part and I didn’t understand it so like during 2020 November Masters I was just swinging as fast as I could back and forth quick as I can so the time from start to impact was fast was super fast doesn’t mean I’m going to swing it fast the reason is because in kinematics in order to create the most velocity at a a certain point in time you have to have time to accelerate yes in distance it’s like telega versus Bristol Speedways you got it you have to have time to you can have a huge engine and just get there really quickly but that’s under shorter amount of distance right or you can get there by a super long swing applying the same or the same acceleration to it so you want something that has the same acceleration to it for a longer duration allows you to get so many golers now with that observation I hope so I mean people need to realize this that’s why when people swing it slower and softer they go faster because their stretch shortening cycle of their muscles yeah a lot more efficient because it it’s there’s no tension the tension is what absolutely ruins this the stretch shortening cycle it’s like a rubber band pulling it back and then letting it go when people swing smooth and take it a little bit longer back and they take more time at the top that gives them the ability to accelerate the club through the stretch shortening cycle a lot more efficiently and they can hit farther so what I was doing was just trying to swing as fast as possible to get it to go as far well that caused a concussion it’s obviously not the right route to go it’s obviously not the route to go so don’t try and swing fast when you’re when you’re hitting it hard uhhuh in order to hit it farther in order to have a faster ball speed faster Club speed at the right moment in time that’s key that’s the key though that is the key because you you don’t need to accelerate the club really fast here you need to be acceler or you need to have the speed right down through impact yeah right so in order to produce more speed at the ball you have to take a longer softer wider swing and if you can do that and load the wrist and then unload it and stay tall through impact don’t shrink down tall through impact stay tall because then that increases the lever length and you can rip the club a lot faster um you will produce more more speed in the golf swing and that’s what I started to realize after watching I watched K we just syn synchronization of our two golf swings his golf swing took like like three2 seconds longer almost 2 seconds longer right and had a faster s he was like 10 20 miles an hour faster is that much oh yeah oh yeah at that time I was swinging like 135 and he was like close to 155 y okay one more what’s your best tournament speed Club it was I think it was this last week really I think that was yeah well I was using the 48 the third hole last round I smoked one I still want to get that number but it had to be 204 205 had to be 204 205 go well my goal is to have my play driver be 204 205 one day okay that just on average like just chipping it out there no problem and that’s going to take another year or two somehow I think this is happening turn that wedge gold in then huh yep so but meanwhile I’m still working on the wedging so it’s crazy I’ve got to learn how to accelerate really quickly and slow it down and then I got to go head a wedge hit a wedge shot where they accelerate there’s barely any acceleration that that’s the trick yeah that little off speeed delivery that’s that’s the trick that that reduced the spin one sort of cut it under a little bit got most important thing if you can learn those two shots you’ll be the best golfer in the world besides putting the well the major league pitcher becomes a star when the 100 mph fast bow gets matched up with a change up you got it okay that’s exactly right you’re a legend man I I got to ask you I got to ask you about this Bridgestone Golf Ball now IQ reactive IQ no but been with them since you turned Pro yep you’ve been so involved with R&D I want you to share a little bit please well we’ve tried to mitigate all the problems in the game of golf so one of them being the quality control when I first came out I I was doing the Epsom salt thing and I still am today um they had the Briston had the best quality control second off I started asking the question of out of rough how do I make it more consistent how does the spin rate come out more consistently when you figure that one out you need to text me well we’re working on it with Bridgestone they’re working on the compression uh with grass between the ball and the face to not have it change as much uh and that’s where the reactive IQ comes into play where their covers performance I won’t get into the details of it uh because it’s pretty technical uh performs better out of the rough it’s more consistent of the rough and of of Miss hits it’s a lot more consistent as well and that’s just based on the impulse of the cover uh um that you get from the face of the club um it’s a what it is is like at higher speeds it’s it’s like it’s like if you were to smack soft sand yeah you wouldn’t it would be firm right but then when you press into it it’s soft at slower speeds slower speeds it’s soft at faster speeds it’s firm that’s the thing I mean when I hit it it bounces off the driver and it’s like bubble gum around the greens you got it that’s the point that’s the whole point that’s what they’ve done with this reactive cover and it’s pretty cool technology that um is is in rubber um and so they they mix it with some stuff and whatnot but I I that’s I can’t disclose that but but it’s awesome it’s a great golf ball that we’ve worked very diligently on and we’ll continue to keep working on improving it the aerodynamics um even on putting how the ball’s rolling on the green how to not have it be affected by bumps in the green as much there’s there’s there’s still stuff there man I used to joke with clients I’ll be be like my job I would hang up my golf instruction boots which I did for broadcast when I taught a client to hit a ball that left a vapor trail thank you listen I appreciate your time I’ve kept you for so long share with the folks where they can find you website social media that’s sort of stuff yeah so you can find me on Instagram uh brys and the Shambo Twitter brys and the Shambo uh YouTube brys and the Shambo as well and um what’s another one uh Instagram Bryson to Shambo just search BR literally Bryson to Shambo on all my all my socials really oh Tik Tok that’s the other one I forgot Bryson Shambo on Tik Tok yeah so I’m even doing content on there I just again my whole my whole play for all of this is I want to grow the game yeah my whole goal is to grow the game of golf and I want people to understand that you know yes I can get frustrated out there but it’s because I really care I really want people to see how hard I’m working and what I’m trying to do to grow the game um and and when I’m out there hitting bombs I love it it’s so much fun and Performing makes you feel Phil say yeah that was yeah it definitely I was uh I was thrown off by that a little bit but it was it was a good combo we had there um you but again going even back to the match you know me giving back to charity I love doing that obviously threw 100 Grand into the pot for U charity as well feeding America apga Shriner’s Hospital St Jude and my Foundation supports Shriners hospitals in St Jude and we’re creating an education um uh school here soon uh after next year’s future aerodynamic Engineers probably well it’s whatever they want to do I can get into a whole conversation on that and my education play but there’s there’s definitely a way to keep kids interested and focused and specialize kids when they get out of college uh through an education system those the two biggest problems I think right now and then junior golf I love growing the game I’m thinking about building a long drive range in Dallas so we’re going to be doing some stuff with that and giving the game of golf what it needs is a breath of fresh air for Deni good work on the course and off brass and to Shambo keep it up man thanks thanks


  1. What a frustrating interview, Mark you are lovely, but WHY ON EARTH would you cut off every detailed answer to interject some irrelevant anecdote… Eg. Guy is answering a question listing the 5 key elements of gaining speed and you break it up to tell a story about "Dottie" commenting on his performance at the Colonial… Are you kidding me! No one cares… Grrr so frustrating….

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