Golf Babe

Long drive preparation on the golf course | Savannah Meyer-Clement

Prepping on the golf course for the Endless Summer x WLD long drive event!

Instagram: @savannahmeyerclement
TikTok: @savannahmeyerclement

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hi everybody welcome back to my YouTube channel it has been a little while but we are prepping for our next event long drive event in Belleville Ontario it’s coming up this weekend so it’s kind of a different format we have two different qualifyings and one of them is on the golf course so today’s prep is on the golf course we get to hit four balls on four qualifying holes out at the event so that’s what we’re going to do today we are picking all of the par fivs here just to practice letting loose on the golf course it’s something that is kind of difficult to do because you automatically put the cruise control on when you’re on the golf course it’s just like an automatic thing so today is a different story we are letting loose on the golf course so I’ve got four balls down here I’m also going to hit two balls with one club and two balls with the other this is an A series La Golf and this is a Gold Series La golf this one is 47 in and that one is 48 let’s get it going shall we not a bad start have to the tea box is a little bit slick so I’m getting a little nervous with that but I kind of just got to go anyways okay that was good that was a 291 carry this is also a dog leg right so that ball was actually perfect for this hole that one I didn’t stay with quite as much a little too much fade than I would like on that one I kind of held on to it didn’t didn’t let it go so this is the 48 in shaft Gold Series La golf okay let it release still faded I think the club face is a little open I’m not getting through it all the way and that’s exactly why we are prepping on these holes because I need to feel comfortable letting the machine loose and that one overcooked a little too far right too far left okay that one’s pretty good not a lot of C on that one though definitely some frustration on that hole because what we find with this format and long drive is that it is so hard to flip the switch and turn on your long drive mentality when you’re playing a round of golf so essentially we play in a proam and there’s four four qualifying holes but to turn on the long drive on the golf course when there’s only four different qualifying holes throughout the round is it’s very very difficult we and this is why we’re out here doing this because um it is not easy so we have a few more par FS that we are going to hit on but yeah really really tough but I’m glad that we’re doing this prep we are on hole number 12 this is a big old par five so it’s perfect for this I’m only going to go with my one drive right here because there’s groups coming up behind us and I don’t want to slow anybody down left feel very discombobulated in this video because this is so unnatural to do and we’re still trying to maintain pace of play okay that one was really good I think the wind is holding up that draw a little bit okay almost a 290 carry yes that one’s perfect finally let that one loose if I really want to get all of the juice possible out of these shots I need to clear that lead side out of the way it’s the only way that was good too okay three out of four shots in the grid with an average of like 285 carry all right last hole of the day we are on hole number 18 it’s a par five straightway and then a little dogly left at the very end which we will not reach today but we got to take our time on this one because there’s nobody behind us we have some time need to get into a routine and really talk through these shots with you guys so Target for me is going to be the two little bushy green trees at the very end and again we need to let her loose on the golf course clear to that lead side out of the way so I can get a little extra pop on it okay that wasn’t bad but I’m not getting the draws that I want out of these shots and that is probably for me just not staying with the shot long enough through the swing so I haven’t really hit any with solid contact which kind of sucks but I am feeling a little discombobulated today all right ball number two okay that was Center face I think the wind is just pushing them to the left a little bit and they’re coming out as little Fades okay next I’m going to go so that was my a series shaft at 47 in this is the Gold Series at 48 in so I kind of have do let this shaft load a smidge longer because it is longer in length finish the swing not great all right last ball we want this to be the best ball let’s stay with it I’m going to close the face a little bit okay that had the draw but it just was too far right oh but that was a 301 carry all right well that was a more positive set for me and to see a carry number in the 300s is very encouraging so I just have to stick with the shot a little bit longer throughout the swing close the face a little bit to get that draw to come out I think the face was just staying open a little bit when you set the drivers down in Loft the face opens up so that was definitely something that was happening today which now I know so I I know that I can shut the face a little bit more and swing nice and free so there we go all right I hope you guys enjoyed that video today something a little bit different we are really excited for our event in Belleville hopefully this prep does some good I think that it surely will because it’s just a little bit tricky getting into the long drive mindset out on the golf course um and it was a little challenging doing it today as well because we’re trying to maintain a pace of play not get in anybody’s way but also practice for our event so it was a little bit challenging um didn’t hit the greatest of shots but we kind of know what to expect and we’re kind of in the groove of what is to be expected for the event coming up this weekend so we’re going to have a lot of fun we’re going to let loose and enjoy every moment of it so with that again thank you for watching and I will see you very soon


  1. Hi Savannah, its good to see you so confident with your input to camera. Great to see your legs when your powering up, as it gives a better idea of their input. I've seen a masive difference when watching the liv golfers in shorts, it gives a greater understanding of the legs involvement when they swing. Well done keep the content coming you carving a future that includes youtube when you're ready you will always be able to work in front of the camera covering long drive events and the golf channels.

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