Gripping the club correctly is vitally important, as it is the only thing that connects you to the clubface and is essential in order to improve your ball striking, whereas a bad grip can limit your potential. In this lesson, I demonstrate how to develop the correct grip and also provide a few key pointers to include in your practice sessions.


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Produced by Viral Nation

welcome back to Patty’s golf tips let’s
talk about the grip the winner of the
gold medal and the champion golfer of
the year is Podrick Harrington
probably the hardest thing to do in golf
but the most important thing you
cannot play good go well of course you
can play good golf but if you’ve got a
bad grip you’re really setting yourself
up for a struggle through the whole your
golfing career and you’re
limiting strongly limiting your
possibilities it’s unlikely that you’re
ever going to become a good Striker at
the ball with a poor grip so it is
essential you work in your grip matter
who you are so there’s lots of things to
talk about so let’s get straight into it
so what we’re trying to avoid basically
we’re trying to get the strongest grip
that we can because the club is swinging
a huge like we’re swinging the club as
hard as we can with a driver and in
Impact we’re trying to pull it back up
into us we’re trying to really hold on
to that club okay so you want your
fingers in the right place so that the
club wouldn’t be pulled around or twist
so what is that well mainly you got to
learn to grip the club in your fingers
so I would suggest to everybody okay
we’re going to show you this grip it in
your fingers without putting the palms
of your hand on at all just get used to
that okay all my fingers nothing else on
I try and hold on to the club and just
waggle it up and around fingers of
eights whatever you like only try and do
that with your fingers not anything else
okay so I would say that’s the start
then once you got your fingers on then
you put the pads and the thumbs on so
all in the fingers pads and thumbs okay
a traditional grip will have two and a
half Knuckles there this V kind of
points just somewhere between the chin
and the right shoulder nowadays years
ago that right that right feet pointed
to that shoulder nowadays we’re probably
a bit more neutral and it’s straighten
the position that you would shake hands
with the club like so okay so there’s
lots of ways to try and
get the feeling of the right grip
probably the easiest one is couple of
things anyway never grip the club on the
ground so never put the club on the
ground especially if you’re learning
your grip and try and grip it because
look automatically I’ve gone up into the
palm of my hand instead of the fingers
and that this has gone High because it’s
on the ground if I was gripping the club
elbows into the side up here you can see
how much below there it it’s gone it’s
natural to grip the club in the fingers
at this point it’s actually hard to grip
it in the fingers when the club is on
the ground cuz you want to cuz you want
to lift this up so much it’s hard so try
and learn how to grip the club in front
of you elbows into your side I think you
will often see Hogan videos like that so
the grip is in front of you all in the
fingers pads and thumbs go on another
way to think about this
is if you were to grip the club and lift
the club so the club is horizontal and
your left arm straight that’s a strong
grip remember we need that hammering
Motion in the swing believe it or not
that’s a strong grip okay strong in
terms of my holding the club straight
club straight elbow if you grip in the
palm and you tried to do that so if I
grip it up here
High to get the club straight horizontal
I bend in my elbow and and it doesn’t
feel very strong where to get it that
straight and that straight I’ve got to
get my hand and wrist into position and
this there’s nothing in the golf swing
people think what squar is the club face
up in the golf S I could put that that
question out there and people will tell
me well it’s my hip turn it’s my torso
turn it’s my arms being early or late or
I’m too quick from the top all these
thoughts about squaring up the club no
all those things affect where your hands
are but your hands are the only thing
that know where the club face is and
your hands are the only thing that’s
Square the face up everything else
affects your hands but your hands are
the place or what square is so you need
to figure out a good grip because it’s
the only connection to the face the only
way these two things are going to match
up is with a good grip okay it’s not
your hip turn it’s not anything else
it’s how good your grip is and those
other things then affect where your
hands are at okay so there’s a great way
of thinking about another way of
thinking about is how you would grab
things if I was going to pick up a
kettle bell I would pick it up in my
fingers I would never I would never pick
up a kettle bell with my hand bent like
this trying to pick up a CLE B I grab it
fingers first so everything we do if I’m
going to shake hands I shake hands this
way I I certainly wouldn’t be getting my
palm in here it’s a
finger strong fingers so if you’re going
to grab a door handle fingers turn if
you’re going to hold on to something if
you’re pulling from it hopefully we’re
all doing pull ups and things you grip
like that you would never try and grip
with your palms like this you would grip
that strong so again if I did that
there C face square like so and bring it
back down you can see how much it is
away and look I can hold it in one
finger there whereas if you grip P grip
it it’s slipping so we got to get those
hands on so if you’re you can go by the
molda grip there’s a you can go to di
Sporting Goods you can buy a
mold that stits onto your grip for $15
or $10 and just make sure you play
around in front of the TV a great tip I
once got uh Dey arest good he’s passed
now but he was a great coach if you’re
going to change your grips and you’re a
longtime player so if you’re going to
change your grip and you’re a longtime
player it might help to actually change
the physical grip because it’s a new
feel while trying to change your your
hands on a club that you’re used to can
be quite difficult so he always
recommended well put some new grips on
there and on that sometimes it’s a great
way to learn how to grip I’m going to
bring my assistant in with that tow you
don’t even have to appear on camera you
can throw
it a great way to learn sometimes is is
ticking the
grip make a big tick grip and again do
your figures are right and then when you
come back to the actual club with a new
grip it will feel oh that feels good so
that’s a nice way of doing it by taking
in the grip and then going back to it to
your normal grip it will feel more
comfortable the one key about changing
grip it’s very difficult to do with a
golf ball in front of you so you’re
better off learning to change your grip
maybe in the offseason sitting in front
of a television then start by hitting a
few chip shots then a few pitch shots
then a few longer shots it is really
hard to just go I’m changing my grip and
going to the golf course it’s very
difficult now if you change the grip so
most amateurs have a bad grip because it
helped them draw the B ball once in
life so they stood up and the ball went
right and then then all of a sudden they
decided oh wow I can draw the ball that
that grip’s actually that’s where the
club head is with that grip but they’re
there and eventually if you grip like
that you’re going to start swinging like
this because otherwise the club will
just completely smutter it left so when
you change to an orthodox grip you’re
going to slice the ball so I would
recommend if you’re going to the golf
course and you have a slice because
you’re a new grip or you have a slice
for any reason
practice off a slope if you can find a
side slope where you where you can hit
off that side slope it will help you
draw the ball the slope will as you’re
changing your grip it’s usually quite a
one I know the grip is tough but if you
intend to play golf for your life why
not get the grip right to start off with
and without doubt the best looking
golfers are ones who have got a super
grip and stand over the ball yeah why
not be the old Hogan look at that
fabulous like if you you teed up you
turn up with the first te like that
nobody will ever play you for money if
you turn up with the first te like this
you’ll have everybody wanting to tea up
against you so pick your poison


  1. Every one always talks most about the left hand ( for a right handed golfer ) I always have trouble with the right hand sneaking under or to strong

  2. Yes, so true and funny at 8:30. When I'm playing with someone or group for the first time, I can tell right away how they are going to play right from their setup and waggle or non-waggle.

  3. it's not in this video but would like you to elaborate on your "packed shoulder" (trail shoulder) feeling that you have mentioned before. Relates to Pete Cowan's teachings but would like to see a video on this. thanks for providing such approachable content. Much appreciated.

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