There are infinite variables in the game of golf, but two things remain constant: the putter is the only club we use on every hole, and the grip is the only part we touch when making a swing. Doesn’t it stand to reason that our putter grip may be one of the most important elements in our bag? In this video, Golf Digests’ Luke Kerr-Dineen dives in to find out how one of the oldest and most-trusted grip companies, Golf Pride, has found a way to cure a common putting mistake by (literally) turning things upside-down.

in golf degrees they matter they matter
a lot this is especially true when it
comes to putting the putter face is
controlled Above All Else by our hands
through the grip that’s the only
physical connection we have to the club
itself and each hand does a slightly
different job as you start your
downstroke one hand subtly starts
pushing away from the target while the
other starts pushing towards it but what
most people don’t know is that the shap
of the grip itself can affect this too
and it can affect it in a big
way traditionally grips are shaped like
this they’re tapered which means they’re
bigger on the top and they’re smaller on
the bottom that bigger section can
stabilize the top hand but that smaller
section can activate the small muscles
and the wrists and fingers of the lower
hand this kind of potting area is
actually pretty common with amateurs you
can see it right here and Arnold Palmer
even talked about strug Ling with it in
his own stroke too other grips look like
this they’re non-tapered which means
they’re the same size everywhere and
usually bigger in overall size
non-tapered grips fueled the jumbo grip
craze that took off in recent years and
these bigger non-tapered grips are
designed to lock both wrists in place
during the stroke it works for some
golfers but others say it costs them
feel which makes sense because when you
look at some of the best Putters of all
time there’s a little give in their
wrists they use them just not too much
traditionally these are the only options
for golfers take your pick but recently
Golf Pride has put an exciting third
option on the table it’s called the
reverse taper smaller on the top and
fatter on the bottom like this and
that’s why I’m so genuinely excited
about it because Golf Pride the same
company that’s been Reinventing the grip
game since it first developed the slip
on grip in
1953 they just invented something really
cool in some ways they flip the design
of the grip itself on its head something
that is making one of the most
underrated parts of the golf club into
one of the most Innovative this is a
subject that’s pretty near and dear to
my heart because I have a long and bad
history of pulling putts that’s why I
needed to go check it out for myself so
I did I flew down to see Bruce Miller of
Golf Pride and learn more about the
reverse taper technology so I guess what
did day one in the Golf Pride lab looked
like when you started playing around
with the idea of reverse paper
technology you know a couple main misses
that golfers have they either completely
pull the putt the lower hand is too
active it’s basically turning over in
the stroke or they completely wipe the
putt where they can’t return that lower
hand to get the face to square those are
the two main issues and that’s exactly
what this reverse taper technology
getting larger from encap to mouth is
addressing how can you stabilize that
lower hand to make it easier for the
player to return that face back to
square when they’re ping body yeah a bit
like you tailor a suit to somebody’s
specific body in some ways you’re
tailoring the grip to their hands and
the way they move them during the stroke
in many ways the simplest way to think
about squaring up the Potter Face is to
think about what both of your hands are
doing during your potting stroke it’s a
tricky balance to find at times so Golf
Pride they developed all these shapes to
the reverse taper grip to help dilate it
three shapes and two different sizes
each variation designed to fit every
golfer’s unique Tendencies players have
been sucked up this tail pipe of
believing to putt better they need to
remove their hands from the stroke we
think it’s the opposite at Golf Pride
the player needs to optimize the
performance of each hand to putt better
putting ultimately is a strange skill
one that requires touch and feel
imagination and creativity but putting
is also a science the shape of the
putter grip you’re using is a small and
often overlooked detail so take a closer
look at yours start experimenting think
outside the box you may be surprised at
what you find


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